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Santiago (Chile) concerts canceled due to riots in the city.
André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra had four concerts scheduled in Santiago de Chile, for October 17, 18, 19 and 20, 2019, in the Movistar Arena. After having performed two wonderful concerts on Thursday and Friday evening, heavy riots broke out. Due to major protests in the Chilean capital against tariff increases in public transportation, a state of emergency was declared on Friday night. Buses went up in flames, shops were looted. Ten subway stations, the headquarters of the energy company and a bank branch, were all set on fire. The Chilean President Sebastián Piñera gave a speech on television Friday evening, explaining the state of emergency. The community canceled all important events until further notice. Rieu's Saturday and Sunday Concerts has been canceled too. André and company left Chile by flying to Buenos Aires in Argentina and next back to the Netherlands. The missed concerts will be rescheduled for May 2020.
Message by André and Pierre on Dutch television, Shownieuws, SBS6.
Anthony Chávez-Mancisidor flew from Peru to Chile for the concerts. Below a live report for the fans on Facebook Harmony Parlor. Thank you Anthony! Much appreciated!
Facebook: C Anthony Chávez Mancisidor: Things are going worse and worse. Fire in banks, pillages in different supermarkets, militars in the streets, delivery apps not able to deliver food to your house, restaurants, stores closed... And these people that are doing the same for two or more hours... A chaos! I wanted to change my flight time to go back home before but the taxes and rates are practically the same cost of my flight ticket! (200 dollars)... So, nothing to do by now, just stay safe in the hotel and pray it will be over tomorrow! How funny! I just found André Rieu and the whole orchestra in the airport! But, as things and situation are not the best now, I decided not to bother any of the members for a photo. I just wanted to let you know they are safe. They are celebrities but also human beings like us, so yes they need privacy. I am dying for photos, but I am happy that I have taken the right decision. My flight was canceled twice and the last one was delayed. A stressing thing as there were not enough aircrew, that was one of the reasons many flights were canceled. I am in the taxi now on my way home to Lima, Peru. Thank God and thank you all! Many horrible things happened, chaos, fear, disappointment, but at least I was able to enjoy one of the concerts and I was happy to get happy smiles from Donij, Agnes, Anna Reker, Dennis Close and the Maestro. There is a big chance to be back next year, so, let's wait for it. By now, I am on my way home and I thank God I am safe!
For the English speaking fans.
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