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Frank Steijns violin, piano, bells (page 11).
Congratulations!!! Frank on Facebook: On June 15, 1994, exactly thirty years ago today, everyone thought I was crazy: I gave up my secure job at the music school to sign an uncertain contract with a Maastricht artist, with the only guarantee that he had resolved to conquer the world with him. The rest, as they say, is history. Literal. Let's try to list everything: about 3,600 concerts (and the same number of times the Radetzky March and Blue Danube) played for a live audience of more than 25,000,000 people. Celebrated world tours with the Mobile Carillon that was specially designed for this purpose. I wrote out 400 arrangements and compositions, and drove about 450,000 km up and down myself to combine everything with my beloved carillons. But above all, I enjoyed it a lot! Seeing happy people enjoying music, evening after evening, seeing miracles happen (people jumping out of their wheelchairs to their own surprise) and occasionally seeing world peace develop between thousands of completely different people, but connected by music. Made lifelong friendships and met Madieke, the love of my life. And this is just the beginning because as Andre just said: On to the next thirty years! We're going to experience it. Thank you André, we keep going!!
Frank and Madieke in Oslo, June 2024.
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