News Item WDR. Duration 3 minutes. Brought to our attention by J. G. Raemaekers.
Translated by Ineke/John. Subtitels by Ruud.
Presenter: Jens Olesen
WDR: Western German TV broadcaster: Talk show “Kölner Treff” (Meeting in Cologne)
from September 27, 2024.
Presenters: Susan Link, Micky Beissenherz. Dance teacher: Georg Stallnig.
Duration: 20 minutes. Since understanding and translating from one foreign language into another
foreign language is an extremely time-consuming job, Jean Raemaekers, a resident of Maastricht,
was willing to support the usual team of Ineke, John and Ruud. Many thanks, Jean!
Much appreciated!
German current
affairs program.
German TV:
Meeting in Cologne
Design: Jaya Tgal.